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Osnovna škola "Prof. Blaž Mađer" Novigrad Podravski


Nein blog

Autor: Mirjana Mihalec, 27. 10. 2011.

Naša Comenius asistentica Nea odradila je svojih prvih mjesec dana u našoj školi. Kakvi su njeni prvi dojmovi, pročitajte u blogu koji se nalazi u prilogu.

Pratite Neine dojmove iz naše škole jednom mjesečno do kraja ove školske godine.

My October blog


I arrived to Koprivnica in the evening of Friday 30. of September. I had been in Split for a language course for three weeks. I was glad to finally arrive to Koprivnica. I had a warm welcome by my future colleagues and I enjoyed my first weekend a lot.


On Monday I had to go to the police station in the morning. Luckily all went well and we got to head towards the school in Novigrad Podravski with the teacher Ana. I was quite nervous to meet all the pupils and teachers, I wondered how it would all go. When we arrived to the school I noticed that there was no reason to be nervous, everyone was really nice. There was also a great Tervetuloa-sign in the hall, it made me feel really welcomed.


The first two weeks were meant to be time for me to get to know the school: all the pupils and the staff. I felt really warmly welcomed and it was nice that all the people came and talked to me. I also had a chance to talk with some groups for a whole lesson. That was nice.


Now I've started teaching my own Finnish groups and also some English lessons of teachers Mirjana and Valentina. Besides teaching pupils I also teach teachers some English and Finnish. I really like teaching and I think all the pupils are great! It's really nice to be here and have the opportunity to get to know you all. It is also interesting to observe lessons of other teachers even though I don't understand very much about anything since the lessons are in Croatian. Maybe I will slowly learn the language, I atleast hope so.


If you have any questions or you just want to talk to me, please feel free. It's always interesting to hear about you and how is it going with your school and your lives.


Javni natječaj za davanje u zakup oranice


u privitku možete pronaći javni natječaj za davanje u zakup oranice u vlasništvu OŠ "Prof. Blaž Mađer" Novigrad Podravski.

Natječaj traje od 27.3.2023. - 5.4.2023. godine.


Priloženi dokumenti:
Javni natjecaj za zakup oranice.PDF

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Ustani, kasno je , novi je dan,
Škola zove te, krade ti san.
Vrata te čekaju otvorena,
Ustani, trgni se iz svojeg sna.
Škola te zove i ptica poj,
I ne znaš koliko si sretan u njoj.
Za život budući sprema te,
Da budeš čovjek i ostvariš sne.
Škola „Blaž Mađer“ baš je kul,
U njoj se radi skroz ful,
I sve super svakoga dana,
Dobra je čak i školska hrana.
Vika i buka odzvanjaju posvud,
U njoj se cijene znanje i trud.
Škola dom tvoj je drugi, ti to kužiš?
Tamo se igraš, učiš i družiš.
Profe nas muče s učenjem kod kuće,
To čini nas sve ljuće i navodi nas na tuče.
Predmeti su teški , al to nas ne muči,
Nama to ne smeta jer mi smo centar svijeta.
Škola „Blaž Mađer“ baš je kul,
U njoj se radi skroz ful,
I sve super svakoga dana,
Dobra je čak i školska hrana.
Autori teksta: Emina Obranović i Marija Petra Fojtik
Glazba : Sanja Kovačić
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