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Osnovna škola "Prof. Blaž Mađer" Novigrad Podravski


Nein blog za svibanj

Autor: Mirjana Mihalec, 29. 5. 2012.

Svibanj se bliži kraju, a to znači i Nein boravak u našoj školi. Klikom na OPŠIRNIJE pročitajte njene dojmove o Comenius susretu i aktivnostima u školi tijekom posljednjih mjesec dana.

May has been great! There has been a lot going on. The Comenius team went to the library to present the project "How Big is Your Foot?", we had the Comenius visit and I had a friend from Finland visiting me!


I have to say that most of the time all the pupils and also the stuff of the school makes me proud. You're doing so great in so many things. Also the atmosphere of the school is really good. The Comenius team presented the project so nicely and sang really beautifully in the library that it made me smile. I think it was a good presentation.


The Comenius visit went also great! The guests really loved the school and it was awesome that everybody was welcoming them at the windows. I have to mention too that they liked the song we sang with the third and fourth graders, they thought it was lovely. I really liked the way people were welcoming the guests and speaking English, you should had heard the school cook answering questions!


My time here is soon over. I'm feeling a bit wistful: I have a lot of good memories and I'm a bit sad to leave. But it's also nice to go back to Finland. I can always come later and visit you. I also wish that you'd all still come and talk to me, it's always a pleasure. And if you don't see me around, you can always come and ask for me from the teachers' room.


I hope you all still have some energy left for the last exams. I wish you good luck!

Javni natječaj za davanje u zakup oranice


u privitku možete pronaći javni natječaj za davanje u zakup oranice u vlasništvu OŠ "Prof. Blaž Mađer" Novigrad Podravski.

Natječaj traje od 27.3.2023. - 5.4.2023. godine.


Priloženi dokumenti:
Javni natjecaj za zakup oranice.PDF

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Ustani, kasno je , novi je dan,
Škola zove te, krade ti san.
Vrata te čekaju otvorena,
Ustani, trgni se iz svojeg sna.
Škola te zove i ptica poj,
I ne znaš koliko si sretan u njoj.
Za život budući sprema te,
Da budeš čovjek i ostvariš sne.
Škola „Blaž Mađer“ baš je kul,
U njoj se radi skroz ful,
I sve super svakoga dana,
Dobra je čak i školska hrana.
Vika i buka odzvanjaju posvud,
U njoj se cijene znanje i trud.
Škola dom tvoj je drugi, ti to kužiš?
Tamo se igraš, učiš i družiš.
Profe nas muče s učenjem kod kuće,
To čini nas sve ljuće i navodi nas na tuče.
Predmeti su teški , al to nas ne muči,
Nama to ne smeta jer mi smo centar svijeta.
Škola „Blaž Mađer“ baš je kul,
U njoj se radi skroz ful,
I sve super svakoga dana,
Dobra je čak i školska hrana.
Autori teksta: Emina Obranović i Marija Petra Fojtik
Glazba : Sanja Kovačić
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