2011-12-21 20:36:16 Nein blog za prosinac Nea je odradila posljednji dan u školi prije praznika koje će provesti sa svojom obitelji u Finskoj. Klikom na OPŠIRNIJE pročitajte što je Nea radila u prosincu te što nam svima želi za Božić. Želimo joj sretan put i još sretniji povratak u našu školu! December has gone really fast, and still it doesn't feel like Christmas is right around the corner. I will be leaving to Finland for Christmas, but I'll see you all again in January.
There isn't much to report about December, it has been just ordinary work. But it has been great. And there was the Christmas show in the school on Friday. I enjoyed it a lot. I also bought some gifts to bring back to my family, all the classes had some really nice pieces to sell. Unfortunately I couldn't buy everything, just some small things.
I'm looking forward for the next year, after I come back from Finland there's still 5 months to go. We will continue with Finnish lessons and I will also be teaching English. I hope that if anyone has any suggestions of what I should or could do, you would come and tell me. It's always nice to get some feedback. If you want, you can also always write a note, even in Croatian.
I wish everyone a peaceful Christmas, relaxing holidays and a happy New Year! See you soon! |
Osnovna škola "Prof. Blaž Mađer" Novigrad Podravski |